直播吧7月2日讯 据露天看台名记Chris Haynes报道,多位消息人士透露,开拓者球星利拉德今天早上向球队提出交易申请。库里是现役为一支球队效力时间最长(14年)的球员。在美国Reddit论坛的勇士区,美国勇士球迷针对库里以及利拉德申请交易进行了讨论。[–]gilbert1908 242 points 12 hours ago"Promise to all the Warrior fans...we will figure this thing out...if it's the last thing we do we will figure it out"Man basically signed a loyalty pact statement AND delivers it勇士球迷:“我向所有勇士球迷保证!我们会搞定这个事(夺冠)…哪怕这是一件最难的事,我们也会搞定它!”这个男人立下那句尽忠誓言,并实现了它!注:库里曾在2009年菜鸟赛季发推写下了上文这句“誓夺冠”的壮语。最终在2015年,他带领勇士队夺得生涯首冠,并在之后的2017、2018、2022年带领勇士再夺三冠! (库里2009年菜鸟赛季发的夺冠誓言)[–]A1cp666 113 points 12 hours agoDon’t forget“You don’t wanna see us next year”Steph is a man of his word!勇士球迷:别忘了这句:“你们绝对不希望在下赛季碰到我们!”库里可真是个一言九鼎的男人啊!注:2021年,勇士队附加赛不敌湖人,未能进入季后赛,赛季结束时,库里留下了这句话。2022年,他带领勇士队卷土重来,并最终夺得2022年NBA总冠军 [–]RushDynamite 7 points 5 hours ago It better be on the statue when they build it. Those receipts are a thing of legend.勇士球迷:当给库里树立雕像的时候,最好把他说过的这些也都刻在上面!这些话值得万世流芳![–]SuicidePlague 288 points 12 hours agoIf this is in reference to Dame can anybody really blame him for wanting out? He gave their front office so much time勇士球迷:如果咱们这个帖子是针对利拉德申请交易的,那请问利拉德就真的该因此被喷吗?他不知道给了开拓者管理层多少时间去调整阵容啊!![–]m3ngnificient 72 points 11 hours agoI was going to say this too. Why would a play with ambition be expected to stay just for loyalty to a franchise? Same could have left years ago, but he stuck around but the management couldn't capitalize on that勇士球迷:我也想说来着~~一个球员心怀壮志,却被贴上了“忠诚”的标签,还因这个被道德绑架,外界都“逼”他留队,这是为什么呢?其实他好几年前就可以离开的,却仍然选择了留下~~只可惜开拓者管理层毫无作为… [–]GGAllinsMicroPenis 25 points 11 hours agoYeah I was gonna say, if Dame had 4 fucking rings with the Blazers he’d retire there and they’d erect a 50 foot statue of him in the rose gardens or some shit.勇士球迷:是啊~~我正要说呢!要是利拉德能在开拓者拿到4个总冠军,他也保准会在那儿打到退役,谁会走人啊?!球队还会在玫瑰花园球馆外给他立一个五丈高的雕像啥的呢~~~[–]NaiveNeck984 98 points 11 hours agoNope. I respect Dame for it, He obviously wanted to stay and help steer the ship but it's the right call for both of them. Now going to the Finals runner up? I wonder if he'll get the same "Soft move" comments that KD got lol勇士球迷:我绝不会喷利拉德,我很尊重他的决定!利拉德之前是想要留队,并帮助球队继续前进的!只不过现在来看,申请交易对球队和利拉德双方来说,都是一个正确的选择~~只是,利拉德希望加盟上赛季的亚军球队(热火),我怀疑他会不会得到像杜兰特那样“软蛋”名声,哈哈哈~~~ [–]Pure_Measurement_529 30 points 11 hours agoDame waited for the FO to make moves before he made his trade request勇士球迷:不一样!在申请交易之前,利拉德一直给开拓者管理层时间、等对方操作的~~[–]bluewaveassociation 34 points 11 hours agoKd joined us after we beat him. Dame didn’t even make the playoffs he can go wherever.勇士球迷:是啊!杜兰特是在输给勇士之后转而投诚的~~~而上赛季利拉德压根没打进季后赛,他想去哪儿都可以~~[–]DJYuckyYums 37 points 11 hours agoDefinitely not the same, warriors had the greatest record in nba history and were close to win the chip if not for a massive choke job. Miami was an 8th seed and performed way above expectations勇士球迷:当然不一样啦~~勇士当年的常规赛战绩历史第一,而且,要不是棋差几着,那年总决赛都差点夺冠了呢~~上赛季的热火就不一样了,他们是东部8号种子,常规赛的表现也是跌人眼镜的…[–]100rdgng 2 points 9 hours agomost likely not because KD joined as a free agent... dame is getting traded for pieces...勇士球迷:是的,大体上是不一样的,我再补充一点,杜兰特当年以自由球员身份加盟勇士的(走人后,什么也没给雷霆留下)…而利拉德是通过交易,是可以给开拓者换来相对对等的回报的~~ [–]madlabdog 9 points 11 hours agoThat guy gave so much for a shit owner. Even Steph would have jumped the ship if he was in POR勇士球迷:为了那个渣烂的开拓者老板,利拉德已经奉献得太多了!就开拓者这般尿性,哪怕是库里都会忍不住想走人的![–]IsThisMe8 2 points 8 hours agoHe basically made the pick for Chauncey Billups as their coach which was part of their downfall. Then he's been hinting about possibly leaving and then is surprised that no one wants to go there? I feel like part of the loyalty thing is what kept cj there so long and why they re-signed Nurkic last year, so I don't find him completely innocent like how his media friends try to frame it.勇士球迷:主教练比卢普斯是开拓者一蹶不振的原因之一,而当初选择比卢普斯做主教练,基本上是利拉德拍板的~~而在看到球队没落之后,利拉德便开始暗示想要离队,却惊讶地发现,其实并没有人愿意去开拓者…我觉得要说到“忠诚”,之前CJ-麦科勒姆的长期留队、以及努尔基奇去年的续约,也是“忠诚”的一种表现~在我看来,利拉德其实并没有他的公关、媒体团队包装的如此“无辜”… [–]K00ls0x 161 points 12 hours agoThis is totally unfair to Dame. He’s as loyal as they come. It’s just tragic that Portland’s FO has been dogshit at doing anything to maximize their success with him.勇士球迷:这么说对利拉德太不公平了~~他可全心全意、忠心贯日啊!只不过开拓者管理层实在太没用了~~~压根没有一点陪着利拉德一起建功立业的雄心壮志啊~~~~[–]Pure_Measurement_529 24 points 11 hours agoDame wanted them to trade the No.3 pick to get more help, they drafted Scoot. Now they have Grant such a big contact. I don’t blame Dame勇士球迷:是的!利拉德之前希望开拓者交易掉今年的3号签,以换来一些阵容上的补充,但是球队还是用这个3号签选来了亨德森…现在又给了格兰特一份这么大的合同…所以,我是不怪利拉德(申请交易)的~~[–]FatherHaz 97 points 12 hours agoKinda easy to stay loyal if you have a competent front office….勇士球迷:如果我有一个优秀的管理层帮我赢球还不让我为钱发愁,那要我忠诚可就太简单啦~~~ (我可以做你的忠犬八公哦~~)[–]by_yes_i_mean_no 13 points 11 hours agoAlso makes it easier if you are way better than Dame and capable of winning a championship as the #1 option.勇士球迷:没错!而且,作为球队头牌,要是你的实力碾压利拉德,还有能力率队夺冠,那忠诚起来岂不就更简单啦?~~ [–]Timmy26k 21 points 10 hours agoIf we refused to surround curry with competent talent for 10+ years he'd have asked out too let's not kid ourselves勇士球迷:咱们也不要太幼稚啦~~要是库里出道十几年,勇士队也没有给他配上过一套优质阵容,他指定也会申请交易的…[–]Slipmeister 6 points 10 hours agoits a lot easier to be loyal to the warriors org than most others to be fair 😂勇士球迷:不过说句公道话,在勇士队肯定比在其他球队更容易忠诚啦~~~😂[–]biedrins_free_throws 1 point 5 hours agoThis is such a goofy and cringey post. Players should do what's best for them, I would fully support Curry leaving if it was a better spot for him at that point in his career and life.勇士球迷:这个帖子真的是又蠢又尴尬…球员本来就应该为自己做出最好的选择~~~要是库里为自己职业生涯和生活找到了一个更好的去处,并选择离开勇士的话,我也会全力支持他的~~~ 来源:Reddit 【来源:直播吧】

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